There is scarce information about the values and preferences of Belarusian public sector employees, which significantly hampers the communication of stakeholders with this population group. Is this group integral as far as values are concerned? Which positive and negative factors does it see in the personal employment strategy? What is important for this group to form loyalty to the existing system, and what concerns does this group have? And, finally, what is the attitude of public sector representatives towards reforms being implemented in the country in general, and public administration reform in particular? The aim of the study, undertaken at the request of Belarus in Focus Information Office, was to find the answers to these questions.
The differences in values, attitudes to life, risk tolerance and attitude towards labour mobility of the public sector employees revealed in the course of the study were among its main results. These differences depend on the size of the community in which the public sector employees live, and on their age. Differences were also found between officials and other public sector employees.
While promoting a reform, be it a public administration reform or economic liberalisation, communication with this group should be targeted and based on the type of their employment, place of residence, age group and values corresponding to them. However, there are several spheres in which communication may be built with the public sector employees as a whole group.
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