Why is the planned economy in Belarus not going to "retire"?


The transformation of an economic model much depends on institutions or values, i.e. a set of unwritten rules and mental patterns that determine economic and political behaviour.

According to the Nobel Prize winner Douglass North, the transformation of an economic model much depends on institutions or values, i.e. a set of unwritten rules and mental patterns that determine economic and political behaviour. You can try to make a change just by influencing the organizational dimension: legislation, administrative bodies, specialized organizations, etc., but in the long-term perspective it will be to no avail unless it is accompanied by appropriate changes in the institutional (related to values) field. This is the main message of "institutionalists".

The "grand rebuke" in Orsha and "pro-market appointments" that took place in August 2018, followed by an article by the head of the State Control Committee Leonid Anfimov defending the planned economy and a provocative appeal by Andrei Dmitriev to push the "planners" into retirement - all are a good occasion to raise the question of what institutions lie behind the planned economy, how strong they are and what are the chances for the planned economy in Belarus to "retire".

The full paper (in Russian)