At a conference held on May 3-6, 2018 in Kiev, it was discussed what kind of relations should be between the two states. The conference was attended by politicians, journalists, representatives of civil society and experts from Belarus and Ukraine, including Vital Rymasheuski (co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy), Anatol Liabiedzka (chairman of the United Civic Party), Nikolai Kvantaliani (national coordinator of the National Platform of the Civl Society Forum in Belarus), Dzmitry Kukhley (IDSM), Boris Tarasyuk (a member of the Ukrainian parliament), Vadym Tryukhan (leader of the European Movement of Ukraine), Vololdymyr Shkurov (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine).
The conference was organized by the Ukrainian office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the European Movement of Ukraine and the Institute for Democracy and Social Market (IDSM).
The conference was organized by the Ukrainian office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the European Movement of Ukraine and the Institute for Democracy and Social Market (IDSM).