Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №4 (September-October 2011)

Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №4 (September-October 2011)

BISS presents a new issue of Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index, which covers September and October 2011 and analyzes five foreign policy vectors (the EU, Russia, China, “developing states” and Ukraine).

Our analysis prompts the general conclusion that, amid the isolation from the West, Belarus keeps drifting towards Russia, offering Moscow additional concessions and engaging in the Russia-initiated integration projects. The relations with the European Union have almost remained unchanged and stay at the same low level as previously. Official Minsk makes believe that the EU is not especially important. Amid the absence of the western vector and pressure from Russia, Belarus’ relations with Ukraine have somewhat improved. There is temporary lull in the other foreign political vectors for the time being.

Read the full text of the Index in PDF

Nov 17, 2011
min read