Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №8 (May-June 2012)

Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №8 (May-June 2012)

BISS presents a new issue of the Belarus’ -Foreign Policy Index, covering the developments of May and June 2012.

Our experts have concluded that the country has resumed its efforts to restore the true multi-vector character of its foreign policy endeavor (for the first time in many months, all of the combined indices are in the positive zone) and sharply intensify the relations with “developing countries” amid the previously outlined trend towards a deeper integration with Russia and “frozen” relations with the European Union.

At the same time, Belarus’ relationships with China and Ukraine showed certain improvements compared with the previous BFPI issue, reaching their normal level.

One should also note that the current serenity of Russian-Belarusian relations masks the maturing of serious discrepancies, which, until the time comes, are neutralized by the need for Moscow to demonstrate the impressive progress of its integration crusade. They will be immediately manifested, though, once the international situation and Russian domestic political climate change.


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Aug 01, 2012
min read