Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №5 (November-December 2011)

Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index №5 (November-December 2011)

BISS presents a new issue of Belarus’ Foreign Policy Index, the first one in 2012. In this issue, we assess the country’s foreign policy efforts in November and December and throughout the year 2011.

The two final months of the year were marked by the Eurasian integration, which further enhanced the bond between Belarus and Russia. Throughout 2011, the European foreign political vector evolved from a bitter conflict observed last winter to a “freezing” of the relations at the phase of a sluggish rhetorical conflict in the autumn of 2011 while passing through attempts at normalization in late summer. When it comes to stability, Belarus’ relations with developing nations, China and Ukraine were in the lead, although there were some minor shocks here as well.

Read the full text of the Index in PDF

Jan 18, 2012
min read