The findings of the research project entitled “Forecasting migration between the EU, V4 and Eastern Europe. Impact of visa abolition” has been presented at a seminar in Prague. BISS analyst Andrei Yeliseyeu presented the results of the research in Belarus.
The project carried out by an international research team representing seven countries (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova), took one year of research and was carried out under the auspices of the International Visegrad Fund. The main research partner of the project is the Centre for Eastern Studies (Warsaw).
The objective of the research was to investigate migration trends and migration forecasts from Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to the EU and the Visegrad Group (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland — V4). Further, the study analyzed the interrelation between the EU visa policy and migration dynamics, as well as the impact of economic, political and institutional factors on migration from Eastern Europe.
The full text of the research in English and translation of the country section on Belarus into Belarusian/Russian will be available on our website shortly.