The pro-democratic protests against the regime of Aexander Lukashenka have entered the third week. The last Sunday´s demonstration gathered the largest number of protesters so far. How could the situation unfold further? What are the plausible scenarios for the next days and weeks? What are the geopolitical implications of these various scenarios? What are the interests and strategies of the key geopolitical actors (Russia, EU, USA, China)?
Ales Lahviniec, Belarusian political analyst and activist, lecturer at the European Humanities University (Vilnius), former advisor to Aliaksandar Milinkevich, presidential candidate (2006)
Katsiaryna Shmatsina, Political analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, fellow at the GMF
Jakub Górnicki, Polish journalist, co-founder of
David Stulík, Senior Analyst of the Kremlin Watch Program, European Values Center for Security Policy