Mental democratization. Changes in the sphere of values of Belarusians
Both the regime’s repression and Russia's aggression will become a tangible proof of how dangerous governments are if they lack social control
Values are thinking patterns, lens through which people perceive and evaluate reality. Analysis of the value component of socio-political processes is a prerequisite for strategic planning. This is why we consider the study of values our chief priority.
After the World Values Survey had published the 7th wave data in July 2020, we launched the research 'Value Transformations in Belarus: Diagnosis and Policy Shaping'. It is aimed at studying the value changes of Belarusians that have taken place over the past 30 years. One important task within the research is to analyse the anti-authoritarian revolt in 2020 through the prism of values.
As part of the value study, we initiated a pilot project called 'Identity Index'. It consists in monitoring changes in the following fields (i) the Belarusian language, (ii) historical national symbols and (iii) historical national narrative.
Both the regime’s repression and Russia's aggression will become a tangible proof of how dangerous governments are if they lack social control
Emancipation is a brand of the West; resistance to it—a brand of Eurasia. Belarus is closer to Eurasia, but it has some peculiarities
The results of monitoring of processes in the realm of Belarusian national identity in November 2020—January 2021
Results of monitoring of processes in the realm of national identity over August—October 2020
Have Belarusians turned to the West? Hardly so.
In its research, BISS tends to work within the critical rationalism paradigm, the basic principles of which are pragmatism, problem-centrism, prior
BISS, while remaining ideologically and politically nonpartisan, adheres to the basic values of an open society and promotes them in Belarus in a
In their activities, the director and experts of BISS (‘team’) are guided by the principles of professionalism, transparency and accountability.
BISS is a public nonprofit nonpartisan policy-oriented research organization.