The Debate Club "Dyskut" and BISS invite for a seminar on the theory of argumentation.
A year ago, BISS launched an educational project 'Be Critical. Critical Thinking for Ambitious Belarusians.' Critical thinking skills are among the most demanded in business, education, science, medicine, IT ... - this follows from a number of studies on human capital. Along with English proficiency and computer literacy, critical thinking is a pass into the 21st century. In Belarus, this area of competences is still neglected by educational institutions.
Within the project, a video lecture and a text workshop "Facts and Opinions" came out, both prepared on a voluntary basis.
At the beginning of 2020 BISS and Dyskut agreed jointly to organize workshops on critical thinking and argumentation culture. In February, the first workshop (a pilot one, thus not announced publicly) was organized, after which the parties decided to launch a series of such events.
The main addressees of the workshops are the participants of the Debate Club 'Dyskut'; so, argumentation trainings will be adapted to the needs of public debates. But the workshops will also be useful for students, undergraduates, young experts, journalists, as well as all those interested in a competent processing of information.