Katsiaryna Shmatsina, a BISS analyst, has become an expert fellow at the Polish Institute of International Relations (PISM) within the prestigious Think Visegrad Fellowship programme. The programme aims at facilitating structural dialogue on issues of strategic regional importance.
In the past, five Belarusians were granted fellowship within the Think Visegrad programme: Alena Kudzko, Yuri Tsarik, Piotr Rudkouski and Andrei Yeliseyeu. Interestingly, 3 out of 5 Think Visegrad fellows from Belarus (Rudkouski, Yeliseyeu and Shmatsina) have been current or former members of the BISS team.
Within the fellowship, Katsiaryna will deal with the question of how the Eastern Partnership influences the internal and foreign policy of Belarus. She is also to make a presentation for PISM experts and take part in a number of discussion meetings on the issues of regional cooperation, EU Eastern policy and political processes in Belarus.
The BISS team congratulates our colleague on the start of the fellowship! We are confident that Katsiaryna’s participation in Think Visegrad will be interesting and useful for herself and enrich the Belarusian expert community with new knowledge and contacts.