A presentation of the study “Belarus’s Innovation System: Status, Problems and Development Factors” conducted as part of the project “Human Capital as a Source of Competitiveness and Modernization” that is pursued by the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS) was held on 12 November.
The following studies were presented at the event:
- “Belarus’s Innovation System: Status, Problems and Development Factors” by Andrej Laŭruchin, PhD, assistant professor at the department for social and political sciences of the European Humanities University;
- “Venture Projects in the Republic of Belarus: Fundamental Problems and Peculiarities of Implementation” by Volha Malašenkava, PhD in Economics, assistant professor at the department for international economic relations, vice-dean for research of the school of international relations at Belarusian State University;
- “Integration of Belarus in the International Scientific and Technical Space” by Hanna Pobal, PhD in Economics, assistant professor of the school of theoretical and institutional economics at Belarusian State University;
- “Current Status of the Scientific and Innovation Complex and Peculiarities of Decision-making in Innovation Policy” by Andrej Šuman, PhD (Belarusian State University), assistant professor.
The study “Belarus’s Innovation System: Status, Problems and Development Factors” analyzes the system of indicators of the innovation development level of Belarus’s national economy, presents a cross-country analysis of Belarus’s innovativeness level, identifies changes in the structure of innovation-intensive industrial enterprises, raises the issue of the creation of new sources and models to finance innovation, as well as the problem of the integration of university science in Belarus’s innovation system.
The study “Venture Projects in the Republic of Belarus: Fundamental Problems and Peculiarities of Implementation” addresses the formation of the venture industry in Belarus. Building on the analysis of the existing infrastructure of venture investments in Belarus, the study reveals the specific nature of financing and implementation of venture projects and identifies barriers to the development of venture industry in Belarus.
The study “Integration of Belarus in the International Scientific and Technical Space” analyzes the institutional framework and forms of international cooperation in the field of innovations at the level of companies, organizations and the state; assesses the intensity of international flows of resources and results of the innovation process; examines obstacles to Belarus’s integration in the global scientific and technical space and proposes ways to eliminate some of them.
The analysis “Current Status of the Scientific and Innovation Complex and Peculiarities of Decision-making in Innovation Policy” determines the current status in that field and identifies the peculiarities of decision-making in Belarus’s innovation policy.
Following the presentation of the sections of the research study, a discussion with Belarusian experts representing governmental and independent think tanks was held. Media support for the event was provided by the Office for European Expertise and Communications.