Lukashenka’s Belarus and Turkmenistan In Turkmenistan, the regime allowed for free water, gas and electricity for everyone. In Belarus, Lukashenko gained praise in his presidency’s early years for avoiding the mass unemployment and ‘chaos’.
A ‘Dual-Diplomacy’ Armenia as a mediator between the official government and representatives of the Coordination Council? A blog article by Nicolas Butylin Блог Нікаласа Бутыліна
Chances for democracy In Belarus, there are fair chances for democratization, but poor chances for quick removal of the autocrat. Piotr Rudkouski. Blog
Borderless Solidarity Belarusian Diaspora in Germany. Nicolas Butylin's blog article Блог Нікаласа Бутыліна
The rebirth of a symbol The renaissance of the flag is not primarily related to national revival of Belarus; rather it is intended as a symbol of protest for democracy. Блог Нікаласа Бутыліна
Awards for the Brave Belarusians Democratic world community continues to value the sacrifice of the Belarusians and thus tries to support them morally. Блог Нікаласа Бутыліна
EU and civil society in Belarus Focusing on external assistance invisibilised internal actors and neglected the agency of Belarusian civil society.
Sports and protests Athletes set out on a terrain that the regime has been fighting for almost two months now. Nicolas Butylin blog
US elections: New prospects for Belarus? If the democratic presidential candidate is elected, US foreign policy will be more active and better coordinated with European partners
Lithuania's soft power contra Lukashenka's brutal force Channels of dialogue should be kept open and the civil society should be included into the political process. Nicolas Butylin's comment